The simplest type of location in Hydro is a process. A process represents a single thread running a piece of a Hydro program (with no internal concurrency). When creating a process, you can pass in a type parameter that will be used as a marker to distinguish that process from others (and will also be used to mark logs originating at that process). For example, you can create a process with a marker of Leader
to represent a leader in a distributed system:
struct Leader {}
let flow = FlowBuilder::new();
let leader: Process<Leader> = flow.process::<Leader>();
Currently, each Hydro process is deployed as a separate operating system process. In the future, we plan to support running multiple Hydro processes in a single operating system process for more efficient resource sharing.
Once we have a process, we can create live collections on that process (see Live Collections for more details). For example, we can create a stream of integers on the leader process:
let numbers = leader.source_iter(q!(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]));
Because a process represents a single machine, it is straightforward to send data to and from a process. For example, we can send a stream of integers from the leader process to another process using the send_bincode
method (which uses bincode as a serialization format). This automatically sets up network senders and receivers on the two processes.
let numbers = leader.source_iter(q!(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]));
let process2: Process<()> = flow.process::<()>();
let on_p2: Stream<_, Process<()>, _> = numbers.send_bincode(&process2);